Dr. Hamit Harun BAĞCI

uzm dr hamit harun bagci

Born in 1979 in Ankara, he completed his primary, secondary and high school education in Ankara. After graduating from Selçuk University Meram Faculty of Medicine, he started to work at Çorum 112 ASH Station and worked as a Family Physician between 2008-2014. Subsequently, he worked as Cardiovascular Surgery Assistant and 112 Consultant Physician. After completing his Specialization Education in Ankara Yıldırım Beyazit University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine, he worked as a Family Physician.

He worked as Altındağ District Health Directorate, Ankara Public Health Vice President, General Directorate of Management Services Human Resources Planning Department and Deputy General Directorate. In July 2024, he started his duty as Deputy Director General of Public Health.

He is married with one child and has a good command of English.

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